Four essential nutrients for maintaining your eye health
Eyes are one of the most important sensory organs. These are responsible for visual understanding, and hence, demand extra care. Consuming a balanced diet with certain nutrients that are especially adept at delivering the right protection is the easiest way to maintain eye health. Here is a list of four such vitamins and minerals that help keep your eyes healthy.
Vitamin A
One of the fundamental components for good eye health, vitamin A deficiency is a leading cause of childhood blindness around the globe.

Vitamin C
Important in the fight against cataract and macular degeneration, vitamin C is an essential antioxidant required to make collagen, which is a protein that imparts structure to the eye. Vitamin C is found in abundance in the aqueous humor, which is a liquid that fills most of the eye and provides nourishment to the cornea and lens. Sweet peppers, broccoli, strawberries, citrus and tropical fruits are some of the foods essential for eyes that contain vitamin C.
Vitamin E
This particular vitamin is known to protect eye cells from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that break down healthy eye tissue. Commonly found in nuts, vitamin E like vitamin C, lowers the risk of cataract and macular degeneration. Furthermore, when combined with carotenoids and vitamin C, this antioxidant reduces the risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Almonds, sunflower seeds and vegetable oils like flaxseed oil are good sources of vitamin E.
Highly concentrated in the eye, zinc too, acts as a shield against night blindness and macular degeneration. It is also part of many enzymes that act as antioxidants and is known to be involved in the formation of visual pigments on the retina. Oysters and other seafood, beef, eggs, peanuts, and pumpkin seeds are some zinc-rich foods essential for maintaining eye health.